More Rewards for you and New Rewards for your Friends
Everyone wins with Friends
Earn even more when you share with your friends. Get bonus Rewards Points for yourself when you refer your Friends.
What you get
Earn 2,000 Rewards Points for each qualified referral. No limits on the number of friends, so invite everyone.1
What your friend gets
Will earn a $100 statement credit once approved and they spend $500 with their card in the first 90 days.2
Invite your friends and family through email
They apply for an Pick 'n Save/Metro Market Rewards World Elite Mastercard®
Get rewarded when they are approved and use their card
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We were unable to retrieve your Refer a Friend Referral Code which is needed to submit a referral. Please try again and ensure that your first name, last name and last 4 digits match what is on your credit card. If you receive this error again you can contact Cardmember Services and they can assist by calling 844-237-0597